Diving in Egypt: Exploring the Red Sea’s Vibrant Coral Reefs

There’s something magical about setting foot in a place for the first time for David, especially when it’s a place like Sharm El Sheikh, nestled on the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt. We treated ourselves like never before with the all-inclusive 5-star resort right at the beach, it was cheap, like 400 euro for a week! We
stayed at the Amraj Resort.

For us, especially for David, this was a destination we’d been dreaming about for a while. Isabel was excited about returning to Egypt because she was here twice and about 15 years ago.
After nearly three years of full-time travel, we’ve seen our fair share of underwater surprises but nothing like the vivid underwater world of the Red Sea, filled with amazing corals, countless different species of fish, and other interesting creatures.

Setting Sail: Ras Mohamed National Park

Our Egyptian adventure brought us to the famous Ras Mohamed National Park, a protected area renowned for its incredible marine life. We decided to take a boat trip out to the park, a journey that promised pristine beaches, clear waters, and a peek into one of the world’s most vibrant coral reefs.

For David, this trip was a milestone. Having never been to Africa before, let alone snorkelled in the Red Sea, he was excited and nervous in equal measure. I, on the other hand, had my sights set on something more adventurous—a 15-minute introductory dive with a PADI instructor which happened to cost just 10 $ more on top of the boat tour. As someone who had never tried scuba diving before, the idea of breathing underwater was both exhilarating and a little daunting.

Preparing for the Dive

When we boarded the boat, the crew was incredibly welcoming and professional. Before we could dive into the turquoise waters, they gathered us around to explain the safety measures. The instructors were thorough, covering everything from hand signals to how to clear your mask underwater. They made sure we understood how to use the equipment and what to expect once we were below the surface.

As a precaution, some days before, I had added the sports add-on to our SafetyWing travel medical insurance policy. It was a small extra cost—but it gave me peace of mind knowing I was covered if anything went wrong. The add-on covers over 30 different activities (see below the list), from scuba diving to quad biking, so it seemed like a no-brainer for someone like me who loves trying new things.

When it was my turn to dive, I was paired with a PADI-certified instructor who would be with me the entire time. As I strapped on the gear, I felt a mix of excitement and nerves. The idea of breathing through the regulator felt unnatural at first. The initial sensation of trying to draw breath through the mouthpiece was strange, almost like sucking air through a straw. Therefore, the instructor calmly suggested trying a smaller mouthpiece, which made all the difference; finally I could breathe properly.

Taking the Plunge

As we descended, I was struck by how the world above the water seemed to fade away. The sound of the waves, the chatter of the other tourists—all of it disappeared, replaced by the gentle gurgle of bubbles and the slow, rhythmic cadence of my breathing. The water was cool but not cold, and the visibility was perfect. It felt like entering another dimension, where time slowed down and every movement was deliberate.

The coral reefs at Ras Mohamed are nothing short of spectacular. As I adjusted to the feeling of being underwater, I was able to take in the vibrant colours and diverse marine life around me. Schools of fish darted in and out of the coral, their bright scales catching the sunlight filtering down from the surface. The corals themselves were like something out of a dream—branching, swaying, and pulsing with life.

The sensation of being weightless was a revelation. There was a sense of freedom that I hadn’t expected, almost like flying. It was just me, my instructor, and the underwater world. We drifted along with the current, exploring the nooks and crannies of the reef. At one point, a curious parrotfish swam up close, its vibrant colours shimmering in the light. It was one of those moments that made you realise how incredible our planet is.

The Magic of the Red Sea

After about 15 minutes, it was time to ascend. As I broke the surface and pulled off my mask, I couldn’t help but smile. The experience had been everything I’d hoped for and more. Diving for the first time is hard to describe—it’s like discovering a secret world that’s been right under your nose the whole time. There’s a feeling of awe that comes with seeing such natural beauty up close, and it’s something I’ll never forget.

David was waiting for me on the boat, eager to hear all about the dive. Though he’d spent the time snorkelling, getting a taste of the underwater world from the surface, he admitted that my experience had him curious. We’re already planning to take our PADI certification courses before the year is out so that we can both dive together on future adventures.

Unfortunately, our trusty old GoPro didn’t fare as well as we did. It seems that the slot wasn’t sealed properly when I re-entered the water for snorkelling; the pressure pushed the water inside. But luckily, we were able to recover the footage; the memories of that day were safe, and we will remember forever about this amazing adventure.

Why SafetyWing?

This trip to Ras Mohamed was a reminder of why we rely on SafetyWing for our travel medical insurance. The world is full of incredible experiences, but they come with their own set of risks. Whether it’s trying scuba diving for the first time or quad biking through the desert, it’s reassuring to know we’re covered. The sports add-on, in particular, has been a great addition for us, allowing us to take on more adventurous activities without worrying about the “what ifs.”

As we continue our journey, we know there are more adventures on the horizon.
And with SafetyWing by our side, we can focus on making the most of every experience. If you’re planning your own travels and looking to push your boundaries, we can’t recommend them enough. Don’t forget to add that extra layer of protection when you’re taking on something new—you never know what’s going to happen, and it’s better to be safe than sorry.

For us, this is just the beginning. Who knows what other amazing experiences are out there waiting for us? Maybe next time, David will be the one diving into the depths, and we’ll both be exploring the underwater world as certified divers. Until then, we’ll keep dreaming, planning, and, most importantly, living each moment to the fullest.

Disclaimer: We partnered with SafetyWing on this piece of content to bring you the latest updates on travel medical insurance. #WhatsYourRaw @SafetyWing

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